No Sugar Tonight was the last big hit that Randy Bachman played before he left The Guess Who in 1970 (to form Bachman-Turner Overdrive). The song was released on the other side of American Woman. On a later album, with Bachman back in the band, the song goes seamlessly into New Mother Nature. Disc jockeys would often run both together as an extended play on radio. Bachman says the No Sugar Tonight title came from a remark he overheard one night in Berkeley, California. He became anxious when he saw three men approaching him. Suddenly, a car pulled up and the woman inside began yelling at one of the men, saying at one point, “Baby, you ain’t getting no sugar tonight.” A Cummings’ tune, New Mother Nature, was in the same F# key as No Sugar Tonight. Realizing the musical opportunity at hand, the two songwriters married both tunes and came up with a distinctive extended-play song all on its own.